Thursday, October 11, 2012

A Gazetteer of the Eracian Empire and Surrounding Nations

Eleven hundred years ago, a fleet of bedraggled elven and human ships moored in the harbor of what is now the city of Eracia. Only a few days prior, the humans' homeland on Aster Isle had been utterly destroyed by a sinister rebel faction within their ranks, one which worshipped ancient and dark titans and which planned to bring the world to heel in fire and flame. The men and women who disembarked from those ships embraced the elves in thanks for their rescue, shared meals with them as they began to build a city, and then turned their backs on them when the call came for war . . . all at the behest of the Nereneans who had already infiltrated our society. We are only now beginning to understand how deeply the Nereneans have affected our history--and what deep shame and gratitude we must have toward the elves.

         --Excerpt from The History of Eracia as We Now Understand It, by Magus Amisa

The city of Eracia was founded over eleven hundred years ago by human refugees from their destroyed homeland of Aster Isle. Those who did not wish to remain spread out across the land and mingled with native populations, forming what would become Cordon, Martel, Tintagel, Bevin and Emilia. When the call came from the elves to fight the same force of evil that had destroyed their home, the Eracians chose to remain within their walls. After this destructive war, which spanned the eastern half of what is now the Empire, was over, the elves retreated west beyond the Feymoor, making a pact with the Empire that they could hold any lands east of the Feymoor as long as they did not tread its grounds. Eracia became a nation, then an empire as it absorbed the other Aster Isle colonies, then spread out farther over the following centuries to include halflings, embattled Bayernans, barbaric Hohenshaufers, abandoned Talarians, and, through brutal war, the lands of Fianna. It has established frontier provinces in Nordest and Baegnolia, and expanded its trade with dwarves and gnomes, all the while avoiding the issue of the growing orcish forces of the eastern steppe.

Twenty-five years ago, the empire began a war with the elves by violating the ancient mandate against trespassing on the Feymoor. Under the machinations of Prime Minister Orestes, a descendant of the very titan-worshippers who had destroyed Aster Isle, the government committed great acts of brutality against the elves within the Empire, then turned to the conquest of the moor. The war finally unraveled a year ago, when Orestes raised an army of mind-slaves, undead, and twisted giants against the Empire, and was discovered and defeated through the actions of a secret society of adventurers known as the Revenant Blade, along with their dwarven, elven, and human allies. Soon after these terrible events a conference was held to determine the status of each province. Now the Empire is breaking apart, with several provinces opting for independence, while those that chose to remain are beginning to understand that their Empire, which seemed eternal, is beginning to wane.

Imperial Provinces


The region of Eracia is the seat and namesake of the Eracian Empire. Colonized by refugees from an island in the Aster Sea, this land quickly flourished under their rule,
and by 900 years ago began building a continent-spanning collection of nations. The people of Eracia tend to be very focused on commerce and the social benefits of their own government, as well as individual status and an appreciation for art and public beauty. An Eracian, especially one from an urban area, is likely to spend a lot of his or her time conversing and doing business in public edifices and gardens rather than in a home or storefront. Rather than considering themselves superior to other ethnic groups within the empire, most Eracians believe in the benevolence and undeniable benefit of the empire itself. Within their province there is a great deal of social and material infrastructure that surpasses that of any other human nation, so there is very little for its citizens to doubt, as long as they don't leave home for one of the more impoverished or restless nations. Almost all citizens practice the Eracian religion, generally worshiping multiple gods from the pantheon. During the recent unrest which marked the end of the Elven War, some Eracians have begun to doubt their Empire, and many who are devoted to its cause have been shocked and depressed by the departure of several provinces from the fold. The province of Eracia is jointly ruled by the Emperor and the Senate, who consider provincial matters in addition to Empire-wide issues. The province's capital is Eracia City.

The people of Cordon, known as Cordones, are great lovers of craft and craftsmanship. Their extensive trade with the Aradens, directly across the Aster Sea from them, has left them with the secrets of forging steel that, while not as good as dwarven handiwork, make up a very important resource to the Imperial military. In contrast to the egalitarianism of Eracia, Cordon is the most stratified society in the empire, giving much privilege to the nobility and little attention to commoners. This has led to a history of bitter anger between classes as well as lawlessness in the city of Cordillera's immense slums. Most people here ascribe to the Eracian religion, but there is also a strong following of the Araden faith here. They continue to be a staunch member state of the Eracian Empire. The people of Cordon are governed by a the joint rule of a Senate, elected by the province's elite, and a Guild Council led by a Master Tradesman, who is elected by the council of guilds. The capital of Cordon is Cordillera.

The lowlands of Bevin (pronounced Beh-van) are home to a nation of independent merchants, their nobility lost to the expediency of commerce nearly a thousand years in the past. They also have a rich agricultural tradition, and it is rare to see a Bevinin household or storefront without a bouquet of flowers prominently displayed. The Bevinins are so fond of flowers, in fact, that they hold the carnation as their regional symbol. The sections of Bevin which are arable are only so because of extensive engineering efforts over the centuries which have made roughly a third of the land of the province livable. As such, Bevin's cities are densely populated, and fresh food can be a luxury. This and their merchant traditions has led many Bevinans to emigrate to other provinces. There is, for instance, a large Bevinin enclave in Caer in Imperial Fianna, and many flocked to the Feymoor colonies during the Elven War. Few Bevinins are devout, but most who are practice the Eracian religion. Though to say that their province is led by anyone may be a strong statement, a Chairman oversees all domestic and commerce concerns. The capital of Bevin, though once Bevinstad, is now the river port of Rorstad.

The nation of Bayern was under the thumb of their northern neighbors, the Hohenshaufers, for hundreds of years before being liberated by the Eracians. They tend to be a jolly people, and have a great love of peace and simplicity--and beer. At the same time, their isolationism from the other provinces, coupled with their love of family and concentration in rural communities, tends to brand them as bumpkins, and they are not often seen in other parts of the world. Many practice the Eracian religion while others pay service to local spirits, but all Bayernans normally put eating, brewing, and farming ahead of more lofty concerns. Though they never developed much in the way of a system of government, they do have several regional monarchies led by Princes, descendants of the monarchs who once struggled to defend their lands from the raiders to the north. The capital of Bayern is Koenigsburg.

Tintagel is a large and peaceful province, controlled by a symbiotic relationship between farmers and merchants. Most of the continent's wool and linen come from Tintagel, as do many of the more far-ranging merchants. Tintagelens like to live in small cities surrounded by miles and miles of farmland, and the more prosperous citizens of the region engage in "prestige wars" with other wealthy folk. One of these marks of prestige is a ludicrously large family, yet ironically the greatest prestige is to be the firstborn in one of these sprawling clans. Tintagelens are overall very happy with their position in the center of the Empire, and did not even discuss seceding after the post-war shakeup. They are led by a Senate-like group called the Mercantile Council. The capital is Devon.

Martel was the first province to come under the rule of Eracia, and as a people the Martelans can scarcely remember a time of independence. The things that move the Martelan soul are luxury and excellence, and the city of Marnes in particular is known both for its immense musical talent pool, its markets full of fresh produce and delicious cheeses and meats, and, more recently, the establishment of a market that cooks food for its customers, known locally as a "restaurant". Participation in the military is compulsory for Martelans. This means that most men and women above the age of twenty who return to Martel return because they love it; it also means that the population has taken a painful decline during the war. Also, thanks to the plight of the Tenth Marnes Imperial Army, there are a greater concentration of former Spire mind-slaves in Martel than in any other province. They remain an Imperial province. The province of Martel, though so long a part of the empire, is ruled over by a hereditary monarchy. They are in the midst of a growing succession crisis as their current king lies on his deathbed. The king rules from the capital of Marnes.

Brecon is the ancestral land of the halfling race, and one of several Eracian provinces who were happy to join the empire. Brecon had never been able to safely secure their border with the monster-infested Greymoor, and when the empire annexed Bayern, the Hohenshaufers began regular incursions into the peaceful land. Encouraged by their allies the Tintagelans, the halflings asked the empire to become a protectorate. They later became a full member nation, and since then have enjoyed peace and prosperity. Like Bayern, Brecon favors small rural communities and large, close-knit families, while bored halflings are likely to emigrate to large cities like Caer or Pezane. Brecan halflings follow the halfling religion, while humans living within the province observe the Eracian religion. Brecon has no formal capital or leaders. The closest to this would be their religious leaders, the high priests and priestesses of the Besens, their pantheon.

Baegnolia is a province in name only--the region is a vast, sprawling desert, rocky in some places and sand swept in others. When the Emilian explorer Casse originally traversed this area from the south to the north, he surmised that there must be a great deal of natural resources residing in the mountains and cliffsides here. He also noticed that there must have been a civilization there sometime in the past, because there was evidence of vast mining and quarrying operations. The turmoil which took place here recently has not gone unnoticed, and the Empire has been sending in bands of archaeologists to understand the frightening civilization which thrived here during the time of the Eracian diaspora. Anyone who resides here is either an archaeologist, a miner, or a member of a barbarian tribe.

Though Nordest is the newest of the Imperial provinces, it was settled long before the Fiannans were completely put down. The only natives in this land are goblins, hobgoblins, and barbarian tribes--both those who hail from the Saline Flats, to the northeast of the Empire's border, and those more violent bandit tribes that dwell along the border with the dwarven lands to the north. The resources of Nordest are not what they were two centuries ago, and so most settlers here are not first-generation immigrants, but rather the descendants of those who came here when the land was first open to settling. To live in Nordest, it is said, one must be very clever or very accustomed to hardship, and preferably a combination of both. Religion here is a mix of all the major regional and racial religions. During the end stages of the Elven War, the capital city of Casse and the smaller city of Nord declared their independence, while some smaller cities and forts retained their allegiance to the Empire. It is said that the Eracians' half-hearted attempt to take Casse back from rebels was one of the death knells of their continental hegemony. Nordest remains a land divided, with over a third of the province's area being controlled by the Republic of Casse and the Iron Council of Nord.

The Eracian Commonwealth

This nation has a violent history, and their barbarous warriors held out against invading imperial forces for nearly two centuries before finally falling under their rule. Up until recently, their fierce berserkers made up the backbone of the Imperial army. As of the end of the Elven War, Hohenshau has taken the path of an independent member of the commonwealth, meaning that they still contribute a small percentage of their population to Imperial levy, and still pay taxes for roads, Protectors, and other infrastructure, but are politically and militarily free from Eracian rule. This has made the Bayernans nervous, but the empire has promised to diffuse any difficulties between the two nations. The Hohenshaufers are, as a people, religiously lost--their own faith was never recorded and only survives as artifacts and slight mentions in the texts of ancient travelers. A couple of milennia ago they took up the Dwarven religion, but after being strongly condemned by the dwarves they abandoned their temples and were faithless again. As a result, many follow no religion and those who do choose the one that seems the best to them. In place of spiritual concerns, many Hohenshaufers follow the strong and somewhat mystical martial tradition of the berserker. They were once ruled by a High King, but ever since his crown was shattered and placed in the Aster Isle Museum in Eracia, they have been under the purview of an Imperial Governor. Since their secession, they have relied on their Weirad, a band of the nation's most influential warriors and military leaders. The capital of Hohenshau is Heidabyr.

Prior to joining the Eracian empire, the region now known as Emilia was made up of three warring city-states--Pezane, Emilia, and Terescu. The empire, rather than invading the region piece-meal, forged a strong alliance with the city of Emilia, taking advantage of their strong navy and reinforcing their already strong maritime economy. This put the other two cities in an untenable position, at which point they negotiated to be allowed into the Empire as long as they were not subservient to Emilia. While the once war-torn region was originally known for its devotion to shipbuilding and maritime trade, around three hundred years ago a great blossoming of the arts began in the city of Emilia and spread across the province and soon across the empire. Emilians today value beauty above other things, however the prestige of their individual cities is still extremely important to them. After the end of the Elven War, Emilia chose to become, like Hohenshau, an independent commonwealth member, with all provincial decisions made by a 12-member council from the three ancient cities as well as Sardre, while Fort Mariesa and its surrounding area remains under the control of Cordonan and Tintagelen legions. Religion here is mostly Eracian, with a smattering of Araden in the east and halfling in the north.

Independent Nations

The far eastern province of Talar is unique, being the only province to be a former colony of another empire. Originally settled by the people of Arad around the time that the Empire was consolidating its western half, Talar was abandoned by its masters when Arad entered into a devastating war with two of its neighbors. The Talarians proved excellent allies to both the gnomes and the Emilians, refusing to participate in their internecine warfare, and asked for Imperial membership about fifty years after Emilia joined it. The people of Talar have a tendency to be very relaxed, seeking leisure above all else. Fortunately, they see work as the path to leisure, not an obstacle, so their economy is driven by hardworking people. Talar has its problems too--one of the highest crime rates outside of Cordon, a problem with desert sands from Baegnolia destroying their agriculture, and a large influx of gnomish refugees fleeing the destruction being wrought by the orcs on their lands. The Eracian Empire's refusal to intervene in this war had been a sore spot with Talar for a number of years, and during the post-war council they chose to secede from the empire, however they retain most of the same close economic ties with the west that they did prior to the split. Religion here is primarily Araden, though a few immigrants practice the Eracian religion. The mysterious gnomish faith is prominent here as well, of course. The capital of Talar is Nalcira, a city which has experienced some very serious trials  during the Autumn of 1109.

Unlike most of the Empire's provinces, who either joined peacefully or out of necessity, Fianna was taken by brutal force. The nation was ruled for many centuries by a council of tribes, and presided over by druids. Up until the end of the Elven War, it was divided up into two sections--Fianna proper, where the Empire held sway until very recently, and the Wold, a rugged and heavily forested country north of an inland sea called the Dannan. After conquering the four major forests and their druid groves, the Imperials built the city of Caer in the nation's center, eventually using it as a caravan point to Nordest and to the dwarven lands, and as a distribution point from the fields and pastures of Fianna to the rest of the Empire. Many settlers from Bevin and a small number from the southern provinces helped populate this large city, but it has always been built on the backs of Fiannans displaced from their traditional lives. Fiannans normally follow the Fiannan druidic religion, and foreigners here observe the Eracian religions. After the events in the Feymoor which ended the Elven War, the Fiannans, under the leadership of the elven archruidess Erinn, and with the support of a large army of dwarves, were the first to secede, effectively setting the terms for the conference which would follow. Now the Empire controls only a small 100-square-mile area around the city of Caer, known as Imperial Fianna. The archdruidess Erinn rules from Daoine Island, a magically-protected island in the Dannan Sea.

Outside the Empire

Elven Lands
To the west of the Empire, beyond the barrier region known as the Feymoor, sit the lands of the Elves. Little is known about this area, as relations between the Empire and the Elves were distant at best for a millennium, then hostile for the last twenty-five years. Contact is just beginning to be re-established between the elves and humans of the continent, and the former ambassador Ailethindra has made contact once again with the Empire. Most believe, however, that the atrocities committed under Prime Minister Orestes' directives at the beginning of the war will provide an enormous gap for the two races to bridge.

Dwarven Lands
To the north of the Empire lie the lands of the Dwarven Clans, who live and work in the mountain chain sprawling from the Feymoor in the west to the Orcish Steppe in the east. While many assume that the dwarves constitute a single nation, the truth is that, while united in culture in religion, dwarves are very much divided along clan lines. Every mountain and valley is home to a different small tribe, numbering nearly sixty in all. During the Elven War, humans of the Empire grew angry with the dwarves, perceiving that they were trading weapons to both humans and elves. In reality, different clans sold to different clients. The Empire, no longer under influence from sinister factions, is working to spread this knowledge and prevent any unpleasantness between their subjects and their neighbors to the north. The Dwarves have no capital, but are currently united under Warleader Kerg Balan. Warleader is a title that can only be held for a year and by two-thirds consensus of all the larger dwarven clans, and will expire at the beginning of Spring 1110.

Gnomes have lived in the arid nation of Gora for thousands of years, constantly fortifying themselves against the barbaric orcish tribes that populate the steppe which surrounds them on three sides. They have long been renowned artificers, and have worked in courts from one corner of the world to another, many having traveled to lands no Eracian has heard of. Ten years ago, however, the orcs formed into a single, formidable force, and since then the gnomish lands have been in grave peril, and have been slowly whittled down to a fraction of what they once were. Nearly half of gnomish society has fled to Talar. Traditionally, gnomish society is matrilineal, but with family units being separated, this structure is being torn apart. Those who still remain behind in Gora retain their traditional way of living, and the assistance of the Talar militia is helping fend off the orcish horde, but without greater support it will not be long before Gora is no more. A glimmer of hope has come, however, as some mysterious working in Nalcira during the Autumn of 1109 has given all gnomes a minor power to heal, and Fianna has forged an alliance with them as well as with several cities in Talar that support them. Both Gora and her people in exile are led by Head Artificer Halura Steelheart, a brilliant young woman who recently inherited the land from her husband, who died fighting orcs.

The Orcish Steppe
For millions of years, orcs have dwelt on the steppe that separates the Eracian Empire from the unknown lands of the east. Like the dwarves, they share a culture, however their religion varies by clan. Only recently have the orcs truly become a nation, united under a mysterious khan who is intent on ruling the continent--and some say, backed by grotesque creatures from the lower planes. It is clear that Gora is his intended battleground, however the gnomes engaging against his troops in battle have seen exotic trophies and banners from the east waving as the horde advances on their towns and holds.

A short description of the major religions and their gods follows.

The gods and goddesses of the Eracian pantheon reside on the plane of Lerisia, in a shining palace. Like the heroes and gods of most other races, the Eracian gods struggled against the ancient deities known as the Titans before gaining prominence. At the end of this war, Gaia, the mother of all gods, agreed to imprison the Titans they defeated in tombs rooted deep beneath the earth. Today these gods thrive as the most revered and worshipped pantheon in the world. Below is a description of its major gods and goddesses and their relationships and domains.

Patrus--the "father" god of the pantheon, he is of great stature and impressive appearance, with dark, curling hair and beard. He rules over the sky and is god of logic, commerce, weather and the law. He has a joyous sense of humor and is lusty, but his anger is as swift as his laughter. Domains: Birds, Sun, Air, law, commerce, logic, time, weather, and shares agriculture with Hespera. (Lawful neutral)

Hespera--Patrus' first wife, and mother of three. She has golden eyes and long wavy locks of red hair, and is normally seen clad in shimmering golden robes. She is the queen of beasts both domesticated and wild. She is unconcerned with law, but much with justice and revenge. She does not always see eye-to-eye with her sister-wives and is very outspoken. Domains: Revenge, justice, animals, childbirth, fire, precious metals, slaves, and shares agriculture with Patrus. (Chaotic Neutral)

Alessi--Patrus' second wife, a half-Titan warrior woman who is mother to twins. She wears silver scale armor, a shield, and the shattered sword Elent. Once Patrus' bodyguard during the Titan Wars, she nearly died in her last battle defending Lerisia. Patrus and Hespera both fell in love with her while tending to her deadly wounds, and despite her relationship with Hespera they bicker much over the course mankind should take. Alessi herself was once an ally of the Titans, but turned against them when their children, the giants, began slaying humans. (Lawful Neutral)

Tembera--Patrus' third wife, a quiet and enigmatic young woman with long raven hair, always seemingly wet. She is depicted clad in diaphanous gowns and is always barefoot. Soft-spoken and mysterious, she ignited Patrus' passion when he spied her meditating in a pool. Domains: Water, mysteries, arrival into womanhood, the moon, aquatic animals. (True Neutral)

Creus and Braeus--Alessi's twins, one male and the other female. Both have long blonde hair. Creus controls the forge and all sculpted art as well as weapons, while Braeus is a huntress and controls all other crafts and art. They rarely speak to the other gods, except for their mother. Their temples are built next to each other, and their highest clerics are twins. Domains: art, weapons, crafting, hunting, blacksmithing, ideas and innovation. (Chaotic Good alignment)

Palenous--Firstborn of Hespera, he is the god of light, caring, and of the firstborn. He was born before the Titan Wars, and watched his family nearly be destroyed. Since then he has tried to foster strong ties and understanding between people. He wears bronze armor and helps Alessi defend the Lerisian Palace. Domains: light, caring, firstborn, community, peace, protection (Lawful Good alignment)

Araea--Second child of Hespera, she is the ruler of love, marriage, dancing and theatre. She has long, straight red hair which covers her nude form, and a golden complexion. She is still quite young in personality and appearance, and awakens amorous desires in young men and women. She sings beautifully and dances constantly. Her priestesses and some of her priests are highly-trained dancers, entertainers, and courtesans. Her clerics are known for being exceptionally devout, for many have had a vision of her. A small number have had a life-changing night with her. Domains: Love, passion, singing, dancing, acting, beauty (Neutral Good alignment)

Lantrea--third child of Hespera, Lantrea was always a somber youth, and when still a child took on the task of judging the dead--who are either sent to the fields of Lerisia or to the black halls of Tartarus. He has short black hear and wears a long black robe, and rarely speaks to anyone save his father, and the dead. Domains: Death, judgment, twilight and dawn. (True neutral alignment)

The little folk of Brecon have a simple, happy religion, based around a divine family known as the Besens, who escaped the notice of the Titans by building a cottage on the barren ground of a forgotten land, and making it the friendliest of homes. Their domain is now known as Emeraldhill Cottage, and those halflings who live a good and simple life may find themselves tilling a garden in the same county as their deities.

Nottle--grandfather of the Besens, he is a kindly old man with a multitude of skills and ten thousand years of wisdom. He controls all crafts, skilled trades, and storytelling, and his clerics are known for their great and calm wisdom and sense of humor. (NG)

Sandelin--grandmother of the Besens, and ruler of all things domestic. A kind (and chubby) old woman, she is always seen wearing her red apron. She rules cooking, knitting, and anything in the home. Hearths are called "Sandelin's Smile" in Brecon, where she is worshipped above all others. To be a priestess of Sandelin, a halfling woman must have seen the birth of a grandchild and be proficient in all things domestic. (NG)

Ronide--son of Nottle and Sandelin and the most serious of the halfling gods. Ronide rules the fields and communes with the elements to bring a bountiful harvest. His symbol is the hoe, and it is said that he brings bounty to the best-tilled fields. (N)

Henilinn--Ronide's sister and the most beautiful of all the halfling gods. She is a mother of two, but still looks like the rosy-cheeked maiden she once was. It's said that the father of her children is Dinson, the most famous halfling bard and scoundrel. Dinson is thought to visit the cottage and still roam Emeraldhill, filling the air with (often bawdy) song. Henilinn herself is goddess of trade, good fortune, mead and ale, and love in all its forms. It's common for halfling men to curse Henilinn for making women so beautiful. (CG)

Mander--Henilinn's son, and the merriest of the gods. Mander presides over dance, song, joy, and the young. He loves children and is said to whisper mischievous ideas in their ears. He is always seen with bells on his heels, and is very much his father's son. (CG)

Lidea--Henilinn's daughter, and the youngest of the gods. She still appears as a curly-locked child, and is the goddess of all beauty in the world. She is always seen holding a single daisy. She also rules halflings' ability to hide themselves, and is widely loved in the foreign cities. Her priests and priestesses vow chastity and maintain a childlike innocence and savvy. (NG)

Across the Aster Sea, to the south of the Feymoor and the western Empire, lies the dry and barren land of Arad. Much of early civilization grew in its oases, and the Titans of this land were defeated early, while many escaped the wars and are hiding on other planes. Since then, however, the gods of Arad have faced much internal strife and bickering, and two sides of the pantheon are set against each other. One side relies on a greater number of worshipers, the other relies on sacrifices born of ambition or fear.

Zurvan--father god of the pantheon, although a distant father, his sons are Ahura and Ahriman. He is the watcher of time and lord of the Wanderers' Waste, the Araden underworld. He mostly concerns himself with keeping the flow of time intact and keeping count of the dead. (Lawful neutral alignment)

Ahura--The maimed great lord of the sky and the bringer of  civilization and fire to mankind, Ahura is the Aradens' most beloved god, and is considered the protector of the Araden race. He is greatly concerned with proper justice, and his priests often act as judges and often ascend to high political positions. (Lawful good)

Ahriman--Ahura's bitter and evil brother, he greatly opposed Ahura's decision to give the light of civilization to mankind, and attacked him in the sky, maiming him and leaving him for dead. Ahura's consort, Inana, rescued and healed him, and Ahriman has since devoted himself to thwarting all of his brother's plans for the Araden people. (Lawful evil)

Inana--Ahura's consort, and mother goddess of the pantheon. Inana is often depicted as being eternally with child, and while only two of her children are major gods she is said to have many children. Inana is goddess of motherhood, healing, and finding one's way in the wilderness. (Neutral good)

Baal--son of Inana and Ahura, and lord of agriculture. While his father is known for bringing the light of civilization and law to the deserts of Arad, he gifted man with the ability to grow grain. His symbol is the barley sheaf, and he generally has the largest temples and priesthoods of any of the Araden gods, due to the complication of farming in the desert. (Lawful Neutral)

Ashtoreth--Baal's sister, and maiden goddess of love, chance, luck and precious minerals and gems. She comes to live among mortals often, and is responsible for the irresistible blush of a maiden's cheek; she is also the goddess of milk. (Chaotic Good)

Uzhu--Uzhu was once queen of a long-lost country neighboring Arad, she used her seductive beauty to woo her husband's general, murder the king, and then expand her lands in a terrible bloodbath. When she fought the people of Arad, she herself defiled a sacred artifact of Ahura, who then struck her dead. Ahriman retrieved her from the Wanderers' Waste and took her as his consort. (Chaotic Evil)

Dahaka--Ahriman's son by Uzhu, Dahaka is a great dragon who spreads falsehood and bad fortune; his breath withers crops and kills babies in their sleep, as well as bringing sandstorms. (Chaotic Evil)

Other religions
Gnomes--few people know anything about the gnomish religion, though they definitely seem to worship or at least revere their ancestors.

Fianna--The Fiannans follow the tenents of Druidism passed down to the by the Elves many milennia ago

Elves--little is known about the elven religion, however it is known by some historians that they introduced the druidic ideas to Fianna and that they definitely revere nature.

Orcs--each orc tribe worships a different totemic god, normally a violent and dangerous being. Some theorize that these demons are lesser Titans, while others suspect them to be violent beings from the outer planes.

Dwarves--dwarves all worship Moradin, their father god, and his family is numerous beyond count, with a cousin or grandchild of the god being the patron for a particular hold or clan.

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